Thursday, May 31, 2007

Silence Echoes

under skinned knees and the skid marksPast the places where you used to learnYou howl and listenListen and wait for theEchoes of angels who wont returneverything you wanteverything you needeverything inside of youThat you wish you could besay all the right thingsAt exactly the right timunder skinned knees and the skid marksPast the places where you used to learnYou howl and listenListen and wait for theEchoes of angels who wont returneverything you wanteverything you needeverything inside of youThat you wish you could besay all the right thingsAt exactly the right timeBut it all means nothing to youAnd you dont know whyeBut it all means nothing to youAnd you dont know why


Time was not a thing one could keep up with the recesses of the dungeons. The uncontrastable blackness gave no hint of the rise and fall of la torvis. How many moons had passed over the night sky was an unknown but the girl knew it had been quite a long while.
A brief respite came as the guards led her along the path to the waterfalls.Evidence of the length of her stay within the bowels of the slave house was in the warmth of the day's kiss along her cheeks. Seasons had passed and now it was almost time for the harvest. The sound of the streaming water was like thunder to the delicate ears and eyes unaccustomed to light had to be shielded. Each step set the chains of the sirik to slither along her skin. Modesty was provided only with a dark cape to protect the pale skin.
It seemed the instant of her unveiling brought interest. For a woman who was not a whore to her emotions, there was a flicker of anxiousness that the dismal darkness was to be banished. It seemed the torture of her fate was to travel from one emptiness into the brief delight of hope then be plunged into a new netherworld. Lights faded within the vivid mingling of blue and emerald in her eyes.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Forgiveness of Sins

Blessed were the feasts that I been allowed over the past few hands. My keeper's charity had become more tangible as I began to fill out once more. Effects of the hormones I'd been given by my previous Master had finally worn off. My breasts were no longer engorged, dripping with milk. Tor had found great pleasure in the nourishment that his herbs had produced from the tips of my nipples. Another would bear his heirs but she would not share his chamber. Instead he had relished the iniquitous feel of my body created to be ripe as if it had just born a child. Faded now was the sacrilegious vision of the virgin mother. The new rations filled in the concave of my belly and the hollows of my cheeks.
The chains had been removed so that I could exercise my limbs. The cramped quarters gave little room for much but still I danced. Graceful, sweeping, fluid.The dance of the Arian Harvest. I danced to a tune that could be heard only in my head. I danced as the sacrificial verr.

Virtues and Vices

Juices still clung to the sides of the vessel when I'd had all that my body could stand. I slid the bowl between the bars and down as far as I could against the outside wall of my cell. I could see the reflection in its stained surface of the grimy fingers straining to catch purchase of the rim. Then sat back with my head pressed tight against the wall. The scrapping of metal against stone told me that it had been won. The smile did not fade even as the sounds of wretching filled the dungeon corridor. It was good to share.

Within the shadow

The metal bowl that slid across the stone floor didn't hold the usual cuisine of gruel and dried crust of bread, both teeming with the movement of small white vermin. My nostrils flared finding the new aroma an assault. Meat. Meat and suls. I stared at it for a long before I gathered it in the crook of my arm possessively. I ate quickly before my keepers changed their mind or could finish their cruel joke.
My stomach protested vehemently the new faire. I choked on the bile that rose with the food then swallowed both.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

so frail - so cruel

I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had an angel
Deep into a dying day
I took a step outside an innocent heart
Prepare to hate me fall when I may
This night will hurt you like never before
Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder
I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had an angel
Your Virgin Mary undone
I`m in love with my lust
Burning angel wings to dust
I wish I had an angel tonight
I`m going down so frail and cruel
Drunken disguise changes all the rules
Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder
I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had an angelYour Virgin Mary undone
I`m in love with my lust
Burning angel wings to dust
I wish I had an angel tonight
Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of the nightHypocriteWannabe friend13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!
Last dance, first kiss
Your touch, my bliss
Beauty always comes with dark thoughts
I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had an angel
Your Virgin Mary undone
I`m in love with my lust
Burning angel wings to dust
I wish I had an angel
I wish I had an angel

Introduction to Darkness

Dampness reverberated around me unseen but heard and felt. At first nothing more than a drip, then a dribble as moisture seeped through fissures. It was a fine mist along me skin both warming me as a cocoon then chilling as I tried to stir. I was the weight of the universe itself as muscles refused to move. Like the air around me they were dense. Total blackness, my obscurity for a moment. My eyes slowly adjusting finally found contours where light played over surfaces. A brick in the wall, stones that made the flooring beneath me and the vertical lines of bars. Scents filled in gaps that vision could not. Musty, molded dankness, odors of fear, pain and futility permeated my nostrils. Echoes of my breathing had a rasp, the chink of chain with efforts of movement. It was instinct that told me where I was. I made self assessment. I was not broken. My senses were dulled but in tact. My thighs bore the slick wetness of excitement. I'd not been f*cked but I knew well I'd been beaten. It is simply one of those inherent traits bred into me by my creator ... to lubricate at the touch of a whip. I tried to alleviate the tingling in my up stretched arms by shifting. The intensity caved in on me in a new wash of exquisite pain and vertigo. I gave into it and the darkness descended once again

Rape of a fairy tale

Rape of a fairy taleThe house had been quiet for a long time except for the eerie sound of dust settling in the corridors. It is not unusual of powerful men's homes to winter in one cylinder and spend warmer seasons in another. Seasons had come and gone though. How many, I am painfully aware of but it does not matter. They are gone. Life within Caethlong had been rich and glorious as His slave. I was reformed into a creation of His will. It was my task to see to His needs, His pleasures, His home, His accounts .. in every way except the legalities .. His companion. I was made His love slave.Much of my time I spent in the dance chambers, entertaining guests of the house, seeing to scrolls of house accounts or within the inner gardens. These inner gardens are the sanctums of a prominent man's home. They are the heart of His pleasures, where He keeps His most treasured possessions; rare flowers, valuable statues, works of art, His personal slave. It was the inner sanctum, a place of safety, protection. I should have heard the scuffle of footsteps. I should have felt the piercing of the beauty, the bliss, the serenity. I did not. It was only half ihn before I felt darkness descend that I noted the crunch of pebble beneath a heel. Not enough time for my mind to process the information. Gasping for air as the fabrics closed over my face, clutching feverishly at the existence of my world, fighting the biting grasp of calloused hands on my body .. should .. have been my reaction. It was not. Merely slipping within the confines of my impassiveness, I held still. Perhaps that complacency angered my captors more, robbing them of the thrill of their plunder. Beneath the imposed blackness, I felt the suddenness of extreme pressure on my cheek and saw the blast of bright lights before my eyes and my world ceased to exist.