Wednesday, January 25, 2006

argumentativeness of the non argument

The girl kept herself amused during the ahns that the men were away. There was no chezhar to play and despite her culinary skills there was only so much one could do with a crust of bread and a bota of water. Nibbling at the hardened rind of the loaf while she began tidying up the flat, she opted not to think far into the future but rather gave in to the whimsy of what she would say to the young man if she had an opportunity again. For a moment she was enticed to slip down the alleyway to the physician's and finagle a piece of rence from him. It was short lived only in that she would find reason to have the guards stop by the following morning during her exercise. It was only after the streak of light from the central fire receded and was replaced by a sliver of glow from the street lanterns that the guardsmen stumbled back into the apartment. They reeked of paga and not only were their coin pouches hanging on the outside of their breeches but it was evident by the low swag of them they were much lighter. That same impassiveness followed the argumentativeness of the non argument. It was not entirely the paga that had them both saying the same thing and refusing to realize it. "We should have asked for more coins for the slip." "We need to go to Ar." "We should ask a higher price." "We can do that of the merchant .. in Ar." "We could make double the coin for her." "We will go to Ar."The debate was settled when one finally offered no rebuttal. He had fallen face first onto the splintered wooden table ... passed out. The girl had watched the tirade between the two as if it were a kaissa match, looking from one to the other as they spoke about her. When Shorl fell over and shortly thereafter Dolht did as well it made her head bob as if nodding her own agreement. They were going to the high cylinders ... when ... they woke.