Saturday, July 21, 2007

In the crevices

It would be my capabilities with a quill that helped fill in the gap of expenses for the opulence of our quarters. The old physician was pleased to see me again and assured Jelus I would be an asset to him in exchange for a few coins. The day went quickly with the constant comings and goings of patrons. The hushed tones like the chanting from within a temple were continuous. The passing of coin always secretive regardless of who could have seen a vial, an herb, the toss of a fetus into a bucket along with scarlet soaked reps.

The two books kept of accounts were updated with an ease. It did not take me long to memorize the entries of vitamin for the kanda or the sleeping powders in lieu of various poisons. When the bell on the door sounded the last time, Sorticles flipped the sign over and turned the key. The mild manner of the man had spun over as easily as the tumblers of the lock.

Lechery now burned in his eyes like a well filled lantern. The fumbling of the lacings came with difficulty by the gnarled old fingers. They began a rhthymic caress even before he approached, never lessening their grasp of his ardors. Age had not dampened the speed of which he set upon me. He was tender though with the press of his wrinkled mouth against the vee of my throat. The free hand touching the swell of one breast as if it were delicate enough to be fragile. I found myself pressed and my body buffeted against the ledgers on his desk for what seemed an endless few moments. It was a long acrid breath, a puddle of slack jawed drool on my chest and the close of his eyes that spoke of a journey well ended for him. In profuse apologies, the physician grabbed a roll of gauze to clean away the spill of his affections from his own thigh.

The professions of shame continued as he pressed extra coins into my palm for my use. A more stoic retort came afterward as he transformed once more to the business man I'd worked for throughout the day. He looked forward to seeing me tomorrow.

Those coins were poked into a crevice of loose bricks in the alley close to the apartment when I was sure no one was looking.

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