Tuesday, January 31, 2006

amidst the masses

The hovels of the district became consumed by the shadows of the high cylinders. Decadence and depravity seemed to scurry into the recesses beneath the splendor of the glass and steel towers. The streets took on a noisy vitality as citizens pushed and vied for the best choice of path between carts and mounted tharlarian.
The grasp at her arm had lessened in its severity over the past few days but amidst the masses, it held firm. She found herself grateful for that minute amount of security even from Shorl. It was with a wide eyed wonder she noticed, there seemed to be a rhthym that came natural to those whom reside in this portion of the city proper. Almost an unspoken courtesy not to speak or acknowledge those around them. Traffic along the lanes divided into two directions and even at intersections, there was a silent understanding of which group had priority to cross where.
The guardsmen sought out an Inn where they could base their pursuit of profit and begin canvassing the city for a particular merchant they believed had some wealth and an appetite for an innocent though unique slave girl. This days' regime of exercise would find the girl taken to a quiet public garden.

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